�Build in Hawke's Bay' Launched
Article IndexBusiness Hawke’s Bay in association with a number of builders and building suppliers in Hawke’s Bay, is promoting ‘Build in Hawke’s Bay’ as a way to kickstart residential building in the Bay.
"2011 was not a great year for residential construction in our area, despite our having some great building companies and available land," said Business Hawke’s Bay CEO Murray Douglas. This project has been developed to make the Hawke’s Bay case outside our region that we have some great opportunities here and we will work with prospective newcomers to the Bay both on the house and building package but also through our recruitment, banking and legal partners, to encourage people to move to the Bay and set up their future in our part of the world.
‘Build in the Bay’ will include signboards throughout Hawke’s Bay to appeal to visitors currently touring, as well as a digital campaign, separate website with links to building companies, and targeted adverts in newspapers throughout New Zealand.
The Bay needs people and the residential construction industry needs work- this project then is designed to act as a magnet to bring others sectors of our economy with it particularly furnishing the house and all that goes on with attracting new spenders.
Business Hawke’s Bay is a division of the Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce and is supported by a variety of private sector businesses and the bay councils.
For further information contact:
Michaela Vodanovich
Business Development Manager
Business Hawke’s Bay
Phone: 06 876 5938
Email: Click here